Some stats from the National Geographic special regarding power consumption at some of the Las Vegas hot spots:
Mandalay Bay Resort Hotel and Casino:
$1.7-2.0 million per month power bill
Uses enough A/C for 5000 homes
7000 employees
The Mandalay Bay also has the countries largest ballroom, which seats over 6000 people.
The LUXOR spotlight shines like an amazing beacon into the sky above Las Vegas, and on into space. It is visible from outer space. The electric bill for the "sky beam"? $125,000 per year.
Surfing in the Mandalay Bay wave pool, which holds about 1.5 million gallons of water. The electrically powered wave machine uses turbine pumps that can shoot out over 100,000 gallons per minute into chambers. Releasing the water in the chambers creates the waves.