Sunday, April 22, 2012

More Las Vegas Blog posts coming soon!

Yikes!   Haven't been to Vegas in a few years due to pressing personal families matters so this blog won't get much attention for another few months at least.   Sorry about that, but you weren't reading this anyway!

Apologies for the thin posting here at Las Vegas Blog, but I've been busy with several other online projects listed below.   After I get my act together, however, I'll be back with the latest on my latest trip to Las Vegas in January 2012 where the CES 2012 Computer Electronics Show rocked the city with the latest in technology and gadgets.

I had a fairly pleasant and inexpensive stay at the historic Golden Gate Hotel in downtown Las Vegas and was even detoured by filming of the new Jim Carrey movie along Fremont Street.  I also learned a bit more about the ravaged Las Vegas Real Estate market from an agent who explained how positive cash flow .

Here are the new projects

Retire USA Retirement Information
Retirement Blog
Travel and History Blog
US History Website
US History Blog
History and Civil War Blog

Also will soon be working on the Airport Codes site and the QuickAid Airport Directory