About.com has a nice explanation of the complicated situation at Las Vegas' Harmon Hotel where owner MGM has applied for permission to implode the building, citing structural defects that may make the Harmon prone to major damage during an earthquake.
However the builder is challenging this structural diagnosis and offering to re-engineer as needed to fix the problems. They claim that MGM is mostly just concerned about difficulties filling the new rooms in a downturned Las Vegas economy.
By the time this wends its way through the courts, the Vegas economy may have changed. Already arriving passenger numbers are back up (or nearly so) although that doesn't mean they are bringing the same amount of money with them that they used to. There is an over supply of rooms but there often is in Vegas. Tearing down the hotel to construct a swimming pool might make sense right now but by the time the pool is ready, trends about pool parties may have changed as well.
Already arriving passenger numbers are back up las vegas (or nearly so) although that doesn't mean they are bringing the same amount of money with them that they used to
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